Thursday, August 13, 2009


From top: Amy Dye, Wendy Barnard, Jenny Palmer, Michelle Nusbaum, Kim Crabtree & Julie Shebek, Amy & Teresa Johnson, Lisa Logue.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pictures from the Reunion

Lori (Jenkins) Bullivant '89 and Michelle (Christensen) Rock '90

Lisa Simms '89 (banished to the back seat)

Michelle (Christensen) Rock '90 and Kara May '90 at The Sports Page in Indianola.

Melissa (Wicker) Kellar '91, Lisa Simms '89 and Tami (Bonnes) Heil '89 at The Sports Page in Indianola.

Tami (Bonnes) Heil '89, Jenny (Palmer) Irwin '86 and Melissa (Barnett) Appenzeller '88 at The Sports Page, Indianola.

Lori (Jenkins) Bullivant '89 and Melissa (Wicker) Kellar '91 at The Longest Yard (formerly A.K. O'Connor's) in Valley Junction

Michelle (Christensen) Rock '90 and Lisa Simms '89 at The Longest Yard (formerly A.K. O'Connor's) in Valley Junction

Our Chapter House today: not exactly the way we remembered it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We're Here!

Well we are one day into the reunion & having a ball. Amy Dye is keeping us in stitches. Nametags were required for a bit as some of us look different. Better, mind you. Last group hit the cold air dorm at 2am. Tried to make beds without giggling (unsuccessful) and by phone light. We filled Pete's but not sure what the other patrons thought about the OOOOOIE. Looking for a few new additions tonight. Could've had a candle passing as one of us just discovered she is pregnant.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

C'mon over!

701 North C Street is ready for a party! BIG THANKS to Kara May who spent last night cleaning with me. Trust us. It was necessary. (You can thank us in assorted ways throughout the weekend.) The word EEEWWWWW just does not suffice. Figured God was getting even for all those house duties I didn't do well.

Just a warning- there will be painters on the second floor. At least one is a young man who would be eternally scarred to see women running around with no clothes. May wanna bring your robe or dress in the bathroom. They will try to stay out of our way & will be mostly in the upstairs bedrooms. D-day is approaching so they gotta keep moving.

The Sports Page on Sat night is confirmed for 4:30-ish.

Teresa J. is shopping a bit today for us. Thanks to her! Kara & I are washing your mattress covers so they are fresh & clean. If this Alumni gig doesn't work out, thinking I can go work at the Super 8.

See you soon!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

6 more days!

Thanks to Lori for tracking who's coming (and going) while I was RAGBRAI-distracted. Looks like a great group!

We'll finish with the last minute preparations here. We are planning on Pete's Friday night. We can decide if we want to eat at the house or go there. Don't forget to bring a munchie to share Fri night & your beverage of choice. And for the #1 question- yes, it can contain alcohol as long as we are discreet :). (But it's still a dry house.)

We have a breakfast "strata" ordered from Simpson catering for 8:30 Sat am. Teresa Johnson Lagomarcino is doing some shopping Friday for things to round out breakfast Sat am. We'll pick up pastries for Sunday am.

We've set up a housecleaner for the next week although hope it's minimal clean up. We want to be sure to leave things as we found them so we can do this again!

If you have not sent a check, you can give it to me when you arrive. Any balance will go to the house for utilities and the new sprinkler system. If you are not staying over but would like to contribute or want to make a direct contribution, we'll have a basket in the living room. I know they'll appreciate our help. The sprinklers were necessary but really expensive.

Last minute reminders- remember to bring a sleeping bag or linens, toiletries, towel, camera & bag chair. If you are ballooning, old clothes. Am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah. Bar money.

The house will open at 5 pm Friday & close at noon on Sunday.

Can't wait!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Latest Attendance List

Here is the latest attendance list for the Reunion.

Attending Friday:
Jenny Palmer Irwin '86
Leslie Midget Held '86
Lisa Logue Hill '86
Amy Dye Grimse '87
Audrey Duensing-Werner '87
Kathy Sommerfeld Gedler '87
Michelle Nusbaum Johnson '87
Teresa Johnson Lagomarcino '87
Wendy Barnard Heisch '87
Anna Sloca Terlouw '88 (not staying overnight)
Julie Shebek Harper '88 (not staying overnight)
Kris Moorman '88
Melissa Barnett Appenzeller '88 (not staying overnight)
Kim Crabtree Bolte '89
Lisa Kuiper Copple '89 (not staying overnight)
Lisa Simms '89
Lori Jenkins Bullivant '89
Lori Wallace Wray '89
Michelle Johnston Enderson '89
Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89
Tami Bonnes-Heil '89
Wendy Brimmer Johnson '89 (not staying overnight)
Kara May '90 (not staying overnight)
Karol Kalsem Kamhawy '90 (not staying overnight)
Michelle Christensen Rock '90
Rochelle Duensing Clifton '90 (not staying overnight)
Stephani Knierim Johnson '90 (not staying overnight)
Suzy Garrison Lowe '90 (not staying overnight) - ?
Tracie Moore Pavon '90 (not staying overnight)
Melissa Wicker Kellar '91
Melissa Wilson Davidson '91 (not staying overnight) - ?
Wendy Hoffman Kadner '91 (not staying overnight)
Ronja Runge Butler '92 (not staying overnight)?

Maybes for Friday:
Sara Maltby Opie '86
Cara Logue Cavanaugh '89
Debbie Goodhue Nolte '90
Tara Bonnes Doyle '92

Attending Saturday:
Jenny Palmer Irwin '86
Leslie Midget Held '86
Amy Dye Grimse '87
Michelle Nusbaum Johnson '87
Teresa Johnson Lagomarcino '87
Wendy Barnard Heisch '87
Kris Moorman '88
Melissa Barnett Appenzeller '88 (not staying overnight)
Kathy Shires Alexander '89 (not staying overnight)
Lisa Simms '89
Lori Jenkins Bullivant '89
Lori Wallace Wray '89
Tami Bonnes-Heil '89
Kara May '90 (not staying overnight)
Karol Kalsem Kamhawy '90 (not staying overnight)
Michelle Christensen Rock '90
Tracie Moore Pavon '90 (not staying overnight)
Melissa Wicker Kellar '91
Melissa Wilson Davidson '91 (not staying overnight) - ?
Wendy Hoffman Kadner '91 (not staying overnight)
Ann Wagner Dieleman '92
Nissa Phillips Ray '92
Tara Bonnes Doyle '92

Maybes for Saturday:
Lisa Kuiper Copple '89 (not staying overnight)
Suzy Garrison Lowe '90 (not staying overnight)

Maybes for ???:
Julie Snyder Staub '85
Rebecca Skallerup Gross '85
Michelle Viner Winger '91
Teresa Wolf Hughes '92

Deanna Haunsperger '86
Paula Witke Green '86
Beverly Thiele Knoess '86
Nancy Kayton Hansen '88
Melissa Lautt Winger '89
Rita Harvey Berg '90
Susan Schultz Waller '90
Jana Lowe McCann '91
Kimi Keller Senger '92

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hello all,
Teresa (Wolf) Hughes and I are thinking about leaving our children and husbands to try to get to Indianola. You need to understand that we don't get out much so Saturday night (only) is all we can handle. Maybe we can help Tami (Bonnes) Heil with her child care situation and bring her along too. Look forward to seeing and chatting with you. 'Little Bonnie'

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Call your sisters & convince them to come!

Here it is- Let's turn all to bold!

Julie Snyder Staub '85- maybe
Becky Skallerup Gross '85- maybe
Paula Witke Green '86- yes (both days)
Jenny Palmer Irwin '86- yes (both days)
Leslie Midget Held '86- yes (both days)
Lisa Logue Hill '86- yes (Friday only)
Sara Maltby Opie '86- (Friday only)
Amy Dye Grimse '87- yes (both days)
Audrey Duensing Werner '87- yes (day??)
Wendy Barnard Heisch '87- yes (both days) NEW!
Kathy Sommerfeld Gedler '87- yes (Friday only) NEW!
Michelle Nusbaum Johnson '87- yes (both days)
Teresa Johnson Lagomarcino '87- yes (both days)

Anna Sloca Terlouw '88- maybe
Kris Moorman '88- yes (both days)
Melissa Barnett Appenzeller '88- yes (in/out but not staying)

Kathy Shires Alexander '89- maybe (Friday)
Lisa Simms '89- yes (both days)
Lori Jenkins Bullivant '89- yes (both days)
Michelle Johnston Enderson '89- yes (both days)
Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89- yes (both days)

Tami "Bonnie" Bonnes-Heil '89- maybe
Lisa Kuiper Copple '89- yes/Friday,maybe/Sat (not overnight) NEW!
Kara May '90- yes (not overnight)

Stephani Knierim Johnson '90- yes (Friday only)
Karol Kalsem Kamhawy '90- maybe
Susan Schultz Waller '90- maybe
Suzy Garrison Lowe '90- yes (Fri only)
Tracie Moore Pavon '90- yes (not overnight)
Rochelle Duensing Clifton '90- yes (Friday only) NEW!

Melissa Wilson Davidson '91- maybe
Wendy Hoffman Kadner '91- both days, not overnight
Ann Wagner Dieleman ‘92- maybe
Tara Bonnes Doyle '92- maybe
Teresa Wolf Hughes '92- maybe
Nissa Ray Phillips '92- maybe

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I can't wait to see all of you. I'm not very computer savy, although I JUST joined FB. Leslie - I am planning on coming down for the reunion Friday for sure and possible Saturday too. I will not need a bed at the house, but look forward to hanging out and seeing all! I am going picture searching.... Bye for now Lisa Copple
P.S. Are you sure you can't make it Nancy Kayton? AND Michelle Christensen-please come!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Who took the corkscrew??????

Leslie and Jenny are having a "pre-reunion warm up" with a nice white and fun reminiscenessess (we have had a few glasses of wine, so can't spell). Very fun blog- Leslie has guided me through it as I am technologically and phonetically challenged.

But seriously, I have just corrected two spelling errors of hers, and one of them was HER NAME!!! Seriously, I have only heard RSVP's from a few of the "gals", so if you have not emailed me, I don't have you down. (Sorry for the "gals", my daughter thinks gals is "weird, Mom", but when I explained that "girls" is too young, and "ladies" is too old, she just laughed.
(Leslie: Kate thimks Jenny is old yet I am hip.)
Yet again, Leslie cannot spell- see above!

Seriously, we are both very excited, especially to catch up with everyone and be away from our children for a weekend! I hope that I will have survied RAGBRAI to enjoy myself that weekend- Jenny

Leslie: Noticethat Jenny is very SERIOUS tonight. She told us THREE TIMES how SERIOUS she is.

PS- we think that Lisa Logue Hill looks very "academic" in her photo- our memories are less than "academic" Jenny and Leslie

PPS- Lori, I am OLDER than you, I had the bed by the stairs first, so I am "grandmothered" in for it again!!! Jenny

The latest

As the list gets buried, I'll occasionally re-post. To confirm: no need to send $ unless you are staying over. $30 one night, $60 two nights. For Friday night revelers- we'll ask you to kick in for pizza. Please bring munchie to share & fave beverage. For Sat night- dinner is in back room of the Sports Page in I-town. Dutch treat. Think Wally is picking up tab for pub crawl. (Just kidding.)

Here it is with updates:
Julie Snyder Staub '85- maybe
Becky Skallerup Gross '85- maybe
Paula Witke Green '86- yes (both days)
Jenny Palmer Irwin '86- yes (both days)
Leslie Midget Held '86- yes (both days)
Lisa Logue Hill '86- yes (Friday only)
Sara Maltby Opie '86- (Friday only)
Amy Dye Grimse '87- yes (both days)
Audrey Duensing Werner '87- yes (day??)
Wendy Barnard Heisch '87- yes (both days) NEW!
Kathy Sommerfeld Gedler '87- yes (Friday only) NEW!
Michelle Nusbaum Johnson '87- yes (both days)
Teresa Johnson Lagomarcino '87- yes (both days)

Anna Sloca Terlouw '88- maybe
Kris Moorman '88- yes (both days)
Melissa Barnett Appenzeller '88- yes (in/out but not staying)

Kathy Shires Alexander '89- maybe (Friday)
Lisa Simms '89- yes (both days)
Lori Jenkins Bullivant '89- yes (both days)
Michelle Johnston Enderson '89- yes (both days)
Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89- yes (both days)

Tami "Bonnie" Bonnes-Heil '89- maybe
Lisa Kuiper Copple '89- yes to Friday maybe to Sat (not overnight) NEW!
Kara May '90- yes (not overnight)

Stephani Knierim Johnson '90- yes (Friday only)
Karol Kalsem Kamhawy '90- maybe
Susan Schultz Waller '90- maybe
Suzy Garrison Lowe '90- yes (Fri only)
Tracie Moore Pavon '90- yes (not overnight)
Rochelle Duensing Clifton '90- yes (Friday only) NEW!

Melissa Wilson Davidson '91- maybe
Wendy Hoffman Kadner '91- maybe
Ann Wagner Dieleman ‘92- maybe

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm On!

Okay, I am not on facebook, I don't do tweeter/twitter or whatever that is and I BARELY was able to follow the link and instructions to get to this site! But I am on! Since I am not sure if I can get back on, I'll give you the scoop on "NannyKWonderWoman" before my computer blows up from over use.

I was married to I guy from my high school class in the early 90s . . . (have eliminated the date and other details from my memory) . . . suspected he was cheating on me in the late 90s . . . hired a private detective to follow him . . . and once proven correct, kicked him out of the house and my life.

I told my attorney I didn't know any single men my age. He fixed me up with one. A year later we were married. Ten years later (as of next month), we have two great kids (Katie - 8 and AJ - 6). Jim owns a delivery business (started it 27 years ago right out of high school). I consult with not-for-profits in strategic planning, board development and fundraising.

Life is good here in Geneva, IL . . . but unfortunately a trip to Indianola isn't going to happen. I enjoyed the emails from everyone and will try to return to this site again to here some more from each of you. (And from those of you who know my sister, Nina, DDD - 85) she is doing great and lives in Naperville.)
-Nancy (Kayton) Hansen

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kathy- Yep! Mail me your check. I'll relay Tim's whereabouts to Dr. Bill.

Jenny & Teresa- bring your fave Delt pictures to dinner Friday and I'll try to post. Surely we have one of Annie with no shirt on. Maybe there is a good one of Jenny and her old but now new again boyfriend? We can post then & now versions.

one more from '87

Please count me in for July 31. Leslie, do I mail you a check?

I wish we had the mannequin - i'm cherishing the memories of him surprising unsuspecting bathroom users in stall #4. Did you know he was our date to our last formal? Audrey, me and ?Monte? -can't remember what we named him -We were a threesome.

I saw the note from Dr. Gilbert - 'Ranger Tim' IS still at Walnut Woods State park, and we live down the road.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Names - Check the Class List

Well, as you can probably tell, I found my box of college memorabilia. (I will be posting pics to Facebook in the next few days, too!) I also found the "directory" that we put together from our reunion in 1997 that included the classes of '87 - '91. So, from this, I have updated the class lists to the left. So, take a look and let me know if you have contact information for any of the newly added people.

I especially need help with the class of 1992 - there were a TON of you guys in the pledge class and I don't know how many "ended up" at Tri-Delta.

I DID contact Michelle Christensen Rock ('90) via e-mail and she, I think, MIGHT join the caravan from Chicago. YAY!

For those of you who are still on the fence, PLEASE get your RSVPs in to Leslie Midget Held, Jenny Palmer Irwin or I as soon as you can so we can make sure we have a bed for everybody! (The House is filling up, quickly, guys!! And all I can say is that I'd BETTER get my bed by the stairs.)

Love you guys!


What a memory!

I just had to share this email from Dr. Gilbert I received today since several DDD's are mentioned. Just goes to show that the profs did really know we were there! BTW- Dr. G is living in Nova Scotia.

Hello Leslie, 8 June 09 Monday

My wife & I regret we are unable to attend the President’s Picnic on 26 June.
Thanks for the invitation, though, which is much appreciated. The brochure
describing the Alumni Weekend later this month is an excellent & colorful
enticement for the many & various activities, which have been well summarized
by the registration form! Perhaps I can attend a future Simpson event as part
of our travels from Nova Scotia when visiting our kids & grandkids.

I hope you are enjoying your post as Director of Alumni Relations. I do
recall you as one of the few freshman in my lab course on “Environmental
Quality & Man” that fall semester of ’82, along with Melinda McGee &
Shelly Swanson. Brian Comer, Tim Gedler, & Lynn Sanson were also
Frosh in that class…over a quarter of a century ago! It was supposed to
be a primarily freshman course (Bio 103), but many jr’s & sr’s who had put
off taking their science course were given 1st priority during registration.

Tim Gedler majored In environmental science & has been a park ranger
with the IA DNR for many years.. and may still be in charge of Walnut Woods
State Park. He married Kathryn Sommerfeld whose Mother (I think?), Anita, was
the Alumni Records Clerk, with an encyclopedic knowledge of graduates, when
Kay Lebeda was Alumni Director.

Best wishes, Bill Gilbert, Prof. Emeritus
Dept. of Biology & Environ. Science

Monday, June 8, 2009

All-House Pic, Rush 1988

Row 1: Ranessa Hilbrand, Kimi Keller, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Sally Larsen, ?, ? Row 2: Ann Wagner, ?, ?, ?, Sara Warick, Teresa Wolfe, ?, ?, ? Row 3: Wendy Hoffman, Beth Raymond, Stacy Hanson, Theresa Gorsche, Jana Lowe, LeeAnn Dahm, Linda Zuber, Lisa Davis, ? Row 4: Jennifer Riessen, Beth Taylor, Aimee Dahlquist, Rochelle Duensing, Suzy Garrison, ?, Debbie Goodhue, Shelly Coffman, Sara Martin Row 5: Becky Jo Shambaugh, Shelly Birchette, Michelle Christensen, Emily Wickman, Kara May, Tracie Moore, Rita Harvey Row 6: Michelle Johnston, Missy Lautt, Heidi Raymond, Kim Crabtree, Lisa Kuiper, Lori Jenkins Row 7: Nancy Lehner, Tami Bonnes, Cara Logue, Wendy Brimmer, Lisa Simms, Lori Wallace

Full House Pic 1988 - 89

This pic was huge - had to scan it in two parts. Sorry the quality isn't great. Also, I'm ashamed to say I don't remember ALOT of the names, especially the pledges - guess it's a good thing I wasn't Pledge Trainer. Row 1: ?, ?, ?, ?, Ranessa Hilbrand, Kimi Keller?, ?, ?, ?, ? Row 2: ?, Tara Bonnes, Sheila Carmody, ?, Ann Wagner, ?, ?, ?, Sara Warrick, Teresa Wolfe, ?, ?, ? Row 3: Deb Wilson, Melissa Davidson, Melissa Wicker, Michelle Viner, Wendy Hoffman, Beth Raymond, Stacy Hanson, Theresa Gorsche, Jana Lowe, LeeAnn Dahm Row 4: Karol Kalsem, Susan Schultz, Stephani Knierim, Jennifer Riessen, Beth Taylor, Aimee Dahlquist, Rochelle Duensing, Suzy Garrison Row 5: Becky Jo Shambaugh, Michelle Birchette, Michelle Christensen, Emily Wickman, Kara May, Tracie Moore, Rita Harvey Row 6: Michelle Johnston, Missy Lautt, Heidi Raymond, Kim Crabtree, Lisa Kuiper Row 7: Nancy Lehner, Tami Bonnes, Cara Logue, Wendy Brimmer, Lisa Simms

Seniors 1989

Row 1: Lisa Simms, Michelle Johnston, Kim Crabtree
Row 2: Lori Jenkins, Lisa Kuiper, Lori Wallace, Becky Jo Schambaugh
Row 3: Missy Lautt, Wendy Brimmer, Heidi Raymond, Cara Logue, Tami Bonnes & Nancy Lehner

Formal 1989

Yeah, I know, this isn't from '89 Formal, it's from '86 Fall Party - I got it in the wrong place. It's a pic of me (Lori Wallace) and my Dot (Susan Schultz). And, the photo is torn, but it looks like Susan is wearing a crazy little white hat and it makes me laugh.

These ARE from '89 Formal - Michelle Johnston and Cara Logue

Kara May and Tracie Moore

Wendy Brimmer

Spring Break 1989: Flor-a-bama!

Lori Jenkins, Lori Wallace & Lisa Simms
with the aforementioned casual boyfriend's borrowed car.

Lori Jenkins, Lisa Simms & Lori Wallace at the Gulf of Mexico (finally)!

Lori Wallace & Lisa Simms in the "talking elevator"

1987 - 88

Formal in the Hot Tub: ???

Easter Delta Date: Lori Jenkins and Susan Schultz

Easter Delta Date: Julie Shebek & Anna Sloca

I Just Had it in for Ann Anthony, I Guess

Random Photos: 86 - 87

Wendy Barnard

Tracie Moore, Amy Dye, ??, Sheila Schmitt, Heidi Raymond, Ann Anthony

Teresa Johnson, Amy Dye, "Baxter", Wendy Barnard & Audrey Duensing

Row 1: Michelle Johnston, Mel Barnett, Wendy Brimmer, Laura Mehl
Row 2: Tami Bonnes, Nancy Lehner, Cara Logue, Amy Dye
Row 3: Lisa Logue, Shelia Schmitt, Julie Shebek, Becky Jo Shambaugh, Kathy Shires

Roomies: Anna Sloca, Tami Bonnes & Lori Wallace

Homecoming 1986

Homecoming Skit for Simpson Safari: Parking Lot Party Pre-Skit: Teresa Johnson, Wendy Brimmer, Wendy Barnard, Nancy Kayton, Tami Bonnes; Lori Wallace & Lisa Simms; Michelle Christensen & Emily Wickman as Hippos(?) - - we WON skit competition, by the way!!

Fall Rush 1986

Lori Wallace, Anna Sloca & Tami Bonnes: The "Klepto" Roomies; Emily Wickman & Lori Wallace; Nancy Lehner & Lori Wallace; Sophomores: Michelle Johnston, Laura Mehl, Kathy Shires, Tami Bonnes, Lori Wallace, Wendy Brimmer, Kim Crabtree, Lisa Simms & Heidi Raymond

The Lori & Lori Show

Lori Jenkins and Lori Wallace, circa 1989

The Stupid Gun: used to "shoot" people who made stupid comments in class.

Lori Wallace & Lori Jenkins dressed as Kristen Kaduce, 1986.

Mom Hood & Mrs. Cook

Fall Party 1985

Wendy Barnard & Jamie Quick; Lee Franklin & Paula Witke; Kelly Cranston & Lori Wallace