Friday, June 5, 2009

Initial Invite, From Leslie

Oh, we wear our pink pajamas in the summer when it’s hot…

To our 1983-1989 Tri-Delta Alums,

705 North C will be the place to be on July 31st-August 2nd! We hope that you will join us for weekend reunion at Tri-Delta. No kids, no husbands- just endless laughter as we reminisce and catch up.

Here’s what we have in store:
Friday, July 31st: The house opens at 5 p.m. but arrive as you are able. We’ll order in Pete’s Pizza at 8. Please bring a munchie to share and your favorite beverage.

Saturday, August 1: Breakfast will be available at the house. The balloons are in town and we have very our own “in!” For those who are interested, we’ll be up early to follow Melissa Barnett Appenzeller ’88 for her Saturday morning launch. This is a great photo op as we get up close & maybe lend Al & Melissa a hand!

As part of the balloon festival, there will be an annual craft show on the Square today.
Lunch is on your own. How long since you’ve had A&W or a rarebit?For those so inclined, the afternoon is a great time to visit Summerset Winery to sample their summer selections. Or perhaps an afternoon of great shopping at Jordan Creek or Valley Junction…

We have the back room of The Sports Page reserved from 5:30-8 for a casual order-on-your-own dinner. (Note: not included in cost.) The balloons go up at 7 pm for the evening launch. Grab a group & make an evening of it or maybe a simple tailgate at Pickard Park.

If you are feeling rambunctious on Saturday night, we’ll do a Pub Crawl- Indianola style. The names may be changed but several of our old haunts are still there.

Sunday, August 1: Breakfast will be available at the house. The balloons go up again at 7 am but we doubt anyone will see them.

We’ll close the house at noon, tired but happy we came.

What to bring: Sleeping bag or bedding, towel/washcloth/soap, toiletries, a lawn or bag chair, munchies, beverages. If you are ballooning Saturday morning, bring old tennies & comfortable clothes.

Cost: $60 per person will help cover postage, food, a cleaning person to come in after and a donation back to house corps to offset utility costs. The house is also raising funds for a newly installed sprinkler system. We are happy to forward any donations to this worthy cause.

RSVP: By June 1 to Jennifer Palmer Irwin ’86 at or (515) 331-3991. Checks may be made out to Leslie (Midget) Held ‘86 who will take care of the various payments. Leslie Held: 1006 South R Street, Indianola, IA 50125.

We encourage you to call your sisters & start making your plans! Need info or have questions? Contact or cell: (515) 975-9740.

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