Friday, June 5, 2009

Your 17-, 18-, 19-, 20-, 21-, 22-, 23-, 24-, 25- or 26-Year Tri-Delt Reunion!!

Okay, everyone, I've started a new thread, because not everyone was in on the original e-mail, and I was getting confused trying to forward e-mails to those who weren't on the original list. Some of you didn't receive any of the original e-mails, so this e-mail is to bring you up to speed. (I've tried to include all of the e-mails so that you can get caught-up if you so desire, with the most recent e-mails at the top, the oldest at the bottom. Maiden names, nick-names and class years added by me.)

For those who have been out of the loop, here's what's been going on. The Classes of 1983 - 1989 should have been receiving e-mails for the past several months from Leslie Midget Held ('86) who is arranging a reunion for those classes at the Tri-Delt house the weekend of July 31 - August 2nd. (For more specific information about the details, contact Leslie.)

I proposed a "mini-reunion" for the classes of 1990 - 1992 to meet one of the evenings during that weekend. That, I guess, has ignited a firestorm, and, you "Older Alums," (no, I'm not afraid to say it, Midget), your reunion has been commandeered by the "Younger Alums"! (I don't claim to be in either group, I'm somewhere in the middle.)

So, anyway, if you want to respond to the group, do it on this thread, so that more people can be included. If you don't want to be included, put us where we belong, in your SPAM folder.

Finally, I just have to say, darn you Amy Dye for mentioning pin numbers. I went to dig mine up and found that my arms aren't long enough to read it. And I'm too young for reading glasses, so I guess it's going to either have to go unread, or we better hope that one of our resident eye doctors - Kuiper or Bonnie - show up at the reunion and perform complimentary eye exams for all of us! Also, Scrus - Chad knows he's not invited, right? ;)

Lori Wallace Wray
Class of '89


  1. oh my, we could almost complete the class of 87 - there are only 7 of us??? Is there a prize for having your whole graduating class??
    Without having to research too much - this is Friday 7/31??

    Kathy Gedler (Sommerfeld) 87

  2. I'm in! Thanks so much for inviting us to meet up with you guys, Lori! Come on, Class of '91.....who's in??? Lori, just let us know the specifics for the mini reunion once the details get hammered out so that I can get in on my calendar.

    Melissa Wilson Davidson
    Class of '91

  3. HEY! That's not fair (this is Chad by the way) as I probably spent more time at the house than some actual members; but I'll not name names. Have fun ladies!

    Chad Waller, husband of
    Susan Schultz Waller, '90

  4. Mike (Lowe) is jealous and wants to come...and "Delta Love" to all (gag me), but he is still my Tri Delta man for 19 years:)

    Suzy Garrison Lowe, '90

  5. I'm in also!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you all!

    Kim Crabtree Bolte
    Class of '89

  6. If Kim's in, I'm IN!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all and I can't wait!!!!!!

    The only thing I ask (BEG) is that we only re-live my most humiliating moments but one time during the weekend and if you could contain yourselves to hold off until I've had a few cocktails, I would appreciate it. (Although, I'm guessing that part is just too much to ask. I suppose I could start earlier than the rest of you and then I'd be primed for the stories by the time I see you. Wally, you're driving........)

    Lori Jenkins Bullivant
    Class of '89

  7. I have it on my calendar as well. I am in. Great to hear from all of you these past few days!!

    Wendy Hoffman Kadner
    Class of '91

  8. Can't wait to see all of you!! Jenks, totally agree on the cocktail thing...I may need to start the night before as it could get ugly

    Kim Crabtree Bolte
    Class of '89

  9. I'm in...For those coming from KC area...If interested in riding in the Johnson van...let me know and I would be more than happy to drive!

    Michelle Nussbaum Johnson
    Class of '87

  10. I'm definitely in, too! I've thoroughly enjoyed the Emails from the last couple of days, even laughing out loud at a couple. It's no wonder I have such fond memories of college!

    I haven't heard anyone mention "The Lori and Lori Show". I assume there will be a new episode for the reunion? Good times, good times!

    Lisa Simms
    Class of '89

  11. I know this isn't a competition, but just to recap on the RSVPs so far:

    Class of 1983: 0
    Class of 1984: 0
    Class of 1985: 1 maybe
    Class of 1986: 3 yes, 1 maybe
    Class of 1987: 4 yes, I maybe
    Class of 1988: 2 yes
    Class of 1989: 6 YES!!!!
    Class of 1990: 5 yes
    Class of 1991: 2 yes
    Class of 1992: 0

    TOTAL: 22 Yes, 3 maybes.

    Way to go '89-ers!! Good showing '90 and '87!! '88, at 2, is at almost 50% of their class! '91 & '92 - - come on, guys!! Where's Wicker? I know she has a new baby, but that's no excuse!! Kathy Gedler, I've got you down as a "maybe" - are you in? There MIGHT be special prizes for classes who get ALL of their members there. (And I know we're already out of the running since Biff had to up and move to the Left Coast. Maybe we could arrange a stand-in. Scruz, could Chad pass as Biff? I think we'd have to put him on a stretcher... Maybe Mike Lowe is a better choice. He'll have to start waxing now, though. Hey, I think I've got the entertainment for Friday night covered right there.)

    By the way, the Lori & Lori Show request has been so noted. (Jenkins, get your thinking cap on.) It's a 5-hour drive from Chicago, so I'm sure we'll come up with something. I just don't know if our "stage" (the radiator seat in the kitchen) is still there. And we might have to add overflow seating beyond the barstools in the kitchen.

    And, I'm sure she's long gone, but wouldn't it be cool to have some of Mrs. Cook's homemade chocolate sauce for hot fudge sundaes? Did anyone get any of her recipes? Maybe some Chicken Filea's... Or Tater Tot Casserole (Crabby!)

    Keep those cards and letters coming, girls!

    Lori Wallace Wray
    Class of '89

  12. I've got a fruit pizza recipe from the house. As for Mike and entertainment...well, I'll let him respond to that. Who knows what he'll do to come and see everyone

    Suzy Garrison Lowe '90

  13. Two Words: Pi Phi.

    Sometimes I don't know where we all went wrong with Wally. Goodness knows I tried........

    Lori Jenkins Bullivant, '89

  14. I think it's hopeless...she's too far gone

    Kim Crabtree Bolte '89

  15. I've talked with Julie Ing Snyder and my sister Cara Logue Cavanaugh. I think they're in. Sounds like Amy Snyder will be back too. Julie will be in touch with Kim Nolte Johnk.

    Can't wait to see everyone!

    Hey, Boo Boo, tell Annie to call me.

    Lisa Logue Hill '86

  16. I know a lot of things you tried, Jenkins, (some of them that made your eyes go wacky like Marty Feldman), but as to what you are referring here, I have no idea.

    And as for you, Crabby, you just wait until we play "I Never..." Of course, don't know how much fun that will be with our fuzzy memories. "I never made out in the Simspon baseball field dug-outs... Wait a minute, was that me or do I just remember Kara May talking about it? I can't remember. Hell, drink anyway!"

    I'm telling you all, you have Amy Dye to thank for my eternal Delta sisterhood. I was universally ruled out as a Pi Phi because I could never pass as an "angel" with a straight face. (And no one wanted me to have such easy access to Planned Parenthood.) And I was way too loud for the librarians, I mean Alpha Chis. So, you guys got stuck with me. :)

    BTW, I'm not the one planning party favors, Tracie Moore. That just SCREAMS Pi Phi to me.

    Just got your e-mail, Lisa Logue: yippee!! Tell Cara we're road-trippin' from Chi-town! Glad someone got ahold of Hild - she was MIA on the official list.

    Lori Wallace Wray '89

  17. Oh my, I forgot all about being called "Biff!"

    Melissa Lautt Winger
    Class of '89

  18. Which is exactly WHY you were called "Biff", Biff.

    You know we love you, and will miss you terribly at the reunion! Are you sure you couldn't arrange a death in the family back in Iowa for that weekend so you can come back?

    Lori Wallace Wray
    Class of '89

  19. Oh thanks, you're so sweet! I am planning on being in Iowa this
    summer, but not until mid-August. If the dates change for any reason,
    I'll try to be there!

    Melissa Lautt Winger '89

  20. Hey Wally...put me down as a maybe for the class of '91... these emails are
    a riot... seems that I do remember Crabtree chasing me around the
    house...and some fun times at the Balloon house and some raids that were
    interesting... any one remember playing SNAC? .... almost getting busted by
    the Carters in the bushes by the admissions office?

    As far as Wicker goes, she is in Des Moines working at Wells Fargo Home
    Mortgage...two boys is only a couple of weeks old.

    Michelle Viner-Winger
    Class of '91

  21. Ok, this is all too funny! I'v been enjoying it so much that it is now
    time to weigh in.
    Put me down for a maybe! I am looking into coming out there from the
    Big Apple and bringing my little boy if he can stay at Scrusin's.
    Speaking of nicknames.. we need a Squib family reunion (this means you
    Ma Squib) I miss ya to pieces,

    Love your little Squib
    Rita Harvey Berg
    Class of '90

  22. I can't wait to see everyone. Our class has been good about keeping
    in touch via emails and Christmas cards, but we don't get the chance
    to see each other very often. Guess I better get my diet started. :)

    Melissa Wilson Davidson
    Class of '91

  23. I did tell Viner that although I am now fat and old, I could still chase her around the house... SNAC...oh, the memories! Don't know about all of you... but my alcohol tolerance level is not what it used to be so if we do play, whoever has me on their team, I'm sorry.

    Kim Crabtree Bolte '89

  24. Kimmy-

    My husband Eric (Tri-Delta Man circa 1986) wants to know if you can still balance a cup full of beer on your head & squat better than him?

    Leslie Midget Held '86

  25. Oh, absolutely!!! In fact, I know I can still beat HIM in that contest!!

    Kim Crabtree Bolte '89

  26. My daughter just looked over my shoulder and read that Leslie and she wants to know what that meant!!! How does one explain what really happened back then? :)))))))

    Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89

  27. Hey nanc...blackberries rock for that reason among others. How did your quotas work out the other day?

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
    Michelle Viner Winger '91

  28. It's an old-fashioned way of exercising. So much less effective than Pilates.

    Lori Jenkins Bullivant '89

  29. You have to demonstrate it again!!!!!!! :)))

    Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89

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  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Tell her it was just part of the optional physical fitness tests that we regularly took part in…some more than others (not me of course, never touched the stuff). And the beer was interchangeable with water, one just used whatever was around…we didn’t actually have to drink it!LOL

    Kris Moorman '88

  33. That’s hilarious!!!

    Kim Crabtree Bolte '89

  34. That is great! You and Kim just came up with the latest idea for physical agility testing on police forces!!!! :))))

    Nancy Lehner Vaughan '89
